mscx file documentation

• Feb 7, 2010 - 17:02

Please, somewhere can I find documentation about XML musescore file format (mscx)?
In particular: in tag "Lyrics", what do "thick" and "style" mean?
I need to write external code to read, modify and rewrite a .mscx file.


MuseScore file format may change. The only documentation is currently the source code.
May I ask why do you need to read and modify MuseScore files? It may be better to change MuseScore.

In reply to by [DELETED] 5

I'm learning to play an anglo-concertina. Concertina is a diatonic instrument with twenty buttons, ten for each side, pushing or pulling the bellows pressing a single button makes different notes.
Currently I write with MuseScore manually in the lyrics row the fingering code (number of button 1-10, left or right, and push or pull. For example: -1R = pull first button in right side, +4L = push fourth button in left side).
In order to automate fingering, I've write a VBA routine in Excel which read the XML and adds the finger code according to a table (step, octave, alteration = button, side and push or pull).
But I don't know which values must be inserted in tags "Thick" and "Style" under tag "Lyrics".
Thank you in advance for any response.

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