Installing Musescore on Linux CentOS 6

• Jan 24, 2015 - 21:00

Has anyone tried to install Musescore on Linux CentOS 6 operating system? I downloaded the Musescore 1.3 tar file. Is this the correct Linux mscore-1.3 version to even be attempting to build? What are the next steps. Any help would be appreciated.


If you are trying to build from source, you are probably better off using the current sources from GitHub - see the "Development" link in menu at right, then "Develoeprs Handbook" to get to compilation instructions. No one maintains builds for 1.3 any more, so it will be ahrder to get help with building it.

In reply to by kissellj

By i386, do you literally mean a pre-80486, pre-Pentium computer, or do you just mean Intel architecture generally? I'm not sure it would be possible to construct a build for an actual 386 (although it might well be). But if you just mean Intel-type architecture in general, then you shouldn't need to do anything special. Just grab the current master and compile. See the compilation instructions in the develoepr's handbook (see Development link in menu at right) for dependencies you might need, but the actual compilation should be extremely straightforward. You won't end up with an "rpm" file, though - you'll end up with an actual executable, and indeed, a whole folder structure that will isntall itself on your computer when you run "make install".

In reply to by Marc Sabatella

My processor is an Intel Celeron processor. I'm not sure what you mean by "just grab". When I click on the "Development" link the first paragraph that comes up contains 2 bullets with a link to both GitHub and the Developer's Handbook. When I click on the GitHub link there are a bunch of folders on the left and some files. On the right is a Download ZIP button. Is this the current master you are referring to? Does this download the zip file I need? Little lost on getting the correct build or master you refer. I appreciate your instructions.

In reply to by kissellj

When you go to the Developers' Handbook, you will see a series of links for "Compile instructions". These explain what you need to do. You might also find the "Git Workflow" document (on the main Development page) useful.

But yes, as noted, we are talking about compiling for yourself.

In reply to by kissellj

Not sure which page you are talking about. Are you following the Compile instructions for one of the Linux distributions? I don't see anything in the instructions about downloading ZIP files. The instructions I am looking at (the ones for Ubuntu 12.04 and 14.04) talk about typing:

git clone git://

That's also what the instructions on the "Git workflow" page say.

io'm not saying it would be impossible to figure out how to do it some other way, but when in doubt, follow the instructions - they do work!

This is a late comment, but might help you or others in the same situation.

Compiling and installing MuseScore-2.0.2 on on CentOS 7 was not difficult.

With EPEL and ELRepo enabled, as per the guidelines on in the CentOS wiki, I just had to figure out how to get lame into the system.

Here is a little script for the job.
It is likely that I left some dependencies out, as they were installed allready.
Have fun :-)

#!/bin/sh -ex
# File:
# Author: Torkil Zachariassen
# Date: 2015-12-15
# Purpose: Install MuseScore from source on CentOS 7

MUSESCORE=MuseScore-2.0.2 # current version as of 2015-12-15

function install_lame {
rpmbuild -ta $LAME.tar.gz
rpmbuild --rebuild ../rpmbuild/SRPMS/$LAME-1.src.rpm
sudo yum install ../rpmbuild/RPMS/x86_64/$LAME-1.x86_64.rpm

if [ ! -d Downloads ]; then
mkdir Downloads
cd Downloads

rpm -q lame || install_lame
rpm -q qt5 || sudo yum install qt5-\*

if [ ! -f $ ]; then

if [ -d $MUSESCORE ]; then

unzip $


make release

sudo make install



In reply to by mroths1

This discussion is from almost ten years ago; much has changed since then both for MuseScore and for Linux. There's almost no chance anything discussed here is still relevant.

As far as I know, MuseScore 4 should run directly on CentOS with no special hacks required. Just download the AppImage from this site, run it with the "install" command line option (optional but recommended), and you should be good to go.

If you encounter a problem doing this, best to open a new thread and explain more about your system and exactly what goes wrong.

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