Thank you.

• Feb 11, 2015 - 17:37

I continue to be impressed and grateful for the fantastic work being done with Musescore and here in the forums.

The program is getting more and more useful due to the hard work of the (now many?) developers.

Also the willingness of the "community" here to help and to consider so many different needs and requests is to me a wonderful example of cooperation and generosity.

Thanks again.


'Ditto', '+1', 'Like' ... none of those terms really suffices for me to echo xavierjazz's esteem for MuseScore and gratitude toward the developers. The program is brilliant and a real pleasure to use. Kudos to all!

I have found this note editor and player few days ago, and want to say you many thanks, for that you make it free and many thanks more for that you care about older computers owners, that you make winxp nosse edition. Yet it crashes frequently, but i know why and avoid that.

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