American or British spelling for the Handbook?

• Feb 24, 2015 - 09:00

I recently noticed that some of the 2.0 Handbook pages I wrote have been corrected. Many typos, formatting rudeness and similar have been fixed, which is great!

Thanks in particular to Jojo-Schmitz, who painstakingly scrutinized my clumsy prose.

I also noticed that some terms have been changed from British to American orthography (for instance "dialogue" => "dialog" and, perhaps, "centre" => "center"); is this intentional? Is American spelling 'officially' adopted for the MuseScore Handbook?




Hmm, well, we use en_US inside MuseScore, so I assumed it to be used in the manuals too.

We can 'translate' it for the British users, just like we do in MuseScore too

I would be happy to have a look during now and the final release.

I'm sure it would help to have someone else as well, incase I miss anything.

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