New here what do I need?

• Mar 4, 2015 - 22:29

I have a Technic KN2000 and KN6000 keyboard that both have midis. The midis use the old floppy disks. I have music recorded on them. These are both relatively "old" keyboards from 1990's and 2001. I need to know what hardware/cords or anything else I would need to hook from the back of the keyboard/s into my computer and for that matter, if I play anything on the keyboards, would I even be able to utilize musescore to write my music onto paper? Just haven't a clue how to even get started technically. HELP PLEASE!


Hello, and welcome! I'd start by watching the tutorial videos on the main page of this site. But be forewarned - if you are hoping to just play your keybaord and having it magically notated for you, it doesn't work that way. You enter notes one at a time, and while a MIDI keyboard can be used to play the notes one at a time, there is no particular advantage to using one over just typing the notes.

If ytou play very carefully to a metronome, and if your keyboard can record what you play to a standard MIDI file, and if you can get that MIDI file onto your computer, then MuseScore will happily read that and try to turn it into something usable. MuseScore 1.3 won't do very well at all; 2.0 will do quite a bit better, but you'll still probably need to fix things by hand.

But as for how to convince your keybaord to play a metronome for you or record a MIDI file or transfer that to your comptuer, you'll have to consult the documentation or other support for your particular keyboard for help with that.

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