Corrupt multi measure rests in 0.9.6

• Mar 17, 2010 - 18:23

Using 0.9.6, the first of the two screen shots below shows a part before implementing the multi measure rest function. The second screen shot shows the part after implementing it. As you can see the multi measure rest notation in measures 7, 8 and 9 and 10 and 11 are corrupt yet the multi measure rest notation at the start of the 12/8 time is right.

I have separately typed out the first 20 measures and when the multi measure rest function is implemented its notation is right. I can't work out why it's corrupting at the beginning of the whole part - any ideas?

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pic2.jpg 142.34 KB
pic1.jpg 141.99 KB


In reply to by David Bolton

I started the score in MuseScore, and you are absolutely right.

I selected and pressed delete in each rest measure and it's now right. I didn't realize that I mustn't enter semi-breve rests and that I should just skip the measures instead.

Lesson learned and thanks very much for your for your help.

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