Position and angle of beam and sub-beam

• Mar 8, 2015 - 23:23

These could be connected.

1. Open attached score 1 (produced in 1.3).

LilyPond 2.18.2:
Position and angle of beam and sub-beam 1 - LilyPond.png

Position and angle of beam and sub-beam 1 - MuseScore.png

Discussion: After improvements were made to another beam issue (#41761: Beam angle too sharp), I started looking at scores, and my attention was drawn to the sub-beam in one. In this example, I refer to those in beats 2 and 4, I suppose (the repetition of notes was in order to reproduce).

I don't know of conventions, but maybe for this example anyway, there should be a minimum length between the stems, which could equate to the length of two noteheads? It would borrow the rule stated in page 17 of 'Behind Bars' for sub-beams themselves: "These inner beams are the length of a notehead:" I could wrong, however. At first sight, it looked as if it was too long in MuseScore, but probably not.


1. Open attached score 2 (produced in the same nightly).

LilyPond 2.18.2:
Position and angle of beam and sub-beam 2 - LilyPond.png

Position and angle of beam and sub-beam 2 - MuseScore.png

Discussion: You may see similar issues with score 1, but the focus here is the height of the beam and sub-beam. Are we doing anything that breaks conventions?

Using MuseScore 2.0 Nightly Build 0ba6a8b - Mac 10.7.5.


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