Beam angle too sharp

• Dec 19, 2014 - 13:39
S4 - Minor

See this .


I found where we would need to make the adjustment:…

This is for eighth notes, anyhow - sixteenth & shorter notes are handled further down in the code.

It's easy enough to add some code here to enforce a maximum slat of 1sp if there are only two notes on the beam. What I'm not so sure about is what effect that should have on stem lengths. A flatter beam means one or both notes has a different length stem than before. My sense is what makes sense is to keep the shorter note the same length it was and adjust the other to compensate, so that's what I'm looking at.

However, there seems to a bugs here in the stem length calculations, or or the tables that drive them. Certain pairs of notes seem to have unnecessarily short stems - that's before my changes. So I think it important to sort that out. I'm still working on it, but I'm definitely nervous about messing with those tables.