save continuous view as .png?

• Mar 10, 2015 - 15:30

Does somebody know if musescore 2.0 will have the possibility to save the continuous view of the score as .png?



In reply to by [DELETED] 5

switch to continuous mode, export as png
Why bug? It may not make much sense, those png may get pretty wide, but it works.
If it ain't broke, don't fix it ;-)

Hmm, well, maybe it is broken, my test file got truncated shortly into the 4th page. And for SVG and PDF it gets truncated much earlier, like after 6 measures

In reply to by Jojo-Schmitz

Sorry to bring this thread back, but I really can't manage how to get an exported svg/png of the continuous view. I tried both with latest stable and latest nightly (for Mac OSX), without success.

When I'm in continuous view, I go to export and save as png or svg, and I get multiple png files or a single *but paged* svg. I'd want exported exactly what I see on continuous view. Is this possible?


In reply to by Lorenzo Marcon

You can do a screen shot using the image capture tool (the camera icon at right of the toolbar). Or any third party screenshot tool.\ - your OS most likely comes with one preinstalled.

File / Export creates a graphic of your score itself, not the way it happens to look on the screen at the moment. If you wish your score to be one very wide strip of paper, you can certainly set your page size that way.

In reply to by kevpass1

It has nothing to do with how big your *screen* is. You need to make the *page* larger, in Layout / Page Settings. Try setting the page to 2000 inches wide by 2.5 inches high. Also delete the title frame as it will take a page to itself. Also delete all the unnecessary line breaks. Do that and it works just fine. Except...

Actually, this file seems corrupt, not sure where it came from, but it contains all sorts of corruptions and very bad beaming among other serious problems. Not sure why you'd want a very long PNG of that particular file to begin with. Maybe best to explain what you are actually trying to do and why.

In reply to by Marc Sabatella

Hi again Marc,
Thanks for your effort to help me with this. Actually the file I sent was just a sample file that started life as a pdf file. I then converted it to midi using a conversion program. After that it was imported in Notation Composer 3 and from there exported as xml... so its had quite a history! Funnily enough it displays perfectly in Finale and Notation Composer 3 (but not much else).
I have attached another file downloaded from

Despite me trying all the things you suggest- I still just get multiple image files after exporting as PNG. Are you able to produce one single image file? Maybe you can try the new file...!? If you have success then it will offer some hope that I can get it to work with my computer.

If you are happy to- I would really appreciate it if you could send me the resulting file. I starting to doubt if I can get it to work.

Its a pity there is no option to just save it pragmatically.
When you go to the 'page settings' option, the score is displayed beautifully in a preview. What a pity there is no 'right click- save as option!!'

In reply to by kevpass1

Again, could you explain more what you are actually trying to do? In particular, why are you using MusicXML files rather than actual MuseScore files? MusicXML cannot represent much of the formatting done in MuseScore, so you will always lose something that eway. Also, if you explained your actual goal for this PNG file, maybe we could advise you on a better way to do it.

Anyhow, I loaded your score, and it does not appear you actually made any of the changes I suggested - or if you did, this information was lost when you exported to MusicXML format. So, you need to again do the things I suggested:

1) delete thte title frame since it will try to take up the entire page width

2) delete all the line and page breaks (eg, right click one, Select / All Similar Elements, press Delete) because these will basically all turn into page breaks once you make the changes to page size

3) Go to Layout / Page Settings and change the page width to be very wide. 2000 seems to be the maximum value the dialog accepts, but you won't need anything nearly that wide. Might take some trial and error to find the most pleasing width, but for this score, 80 inches seems to work pretty well. Set the page height just tall enough for a single system, in this case 2.5 inches seems to work well.

When you are done your score will be one very long system, just like continuous view shows, and when you export to PNG, that's exactly what you will get as well, for whatever that is worth (still not clear how you intend to use this file).

If you still have trouble, please psot the *actual score* (MSCZ file, not an exported MusicXML file) with your changes, and then we can look to see what you missed.

In reply to by kevpass1

BTW, if you can avoid using MIDI as an intermediate step you will probably get much better results. Not sure what program you are using to trying to convert the PF, but if it can output MusicXML directly, that will be *much* better. Have you tried the import facility in MuseScore (File / Import PDF)? It's very experimental, but when it works it should be an improvement over what you get when going through MIDI. The first score you posted was so mangled as to be almost unrecognizable; hard to imagine how it could possibly be useful for anything.

I expect that the png export will be the amount of pages there is in the Script, The same when using the svg format, I love that but when I start to put it in a type setting program like Scribus I need to edit it to that it fits the graphic frames.

I was very glad to see the svg back and working in Beta 2.2


In reply to by DanM

Hi DanM I've only just seen your post on this forum, it's exiting to find that you also use Scriptus. Probably v 1.5 by now.

I had the honor of translating MuseScore 2 to my own language; Welsh.

I have not used the 2.2 Muscrore I find id dose not import for other versions very well, It distorts the ties and some time the bars in such a way as the lyrics dont work properly. I have posted the matter on this forum but got no where.

Do you do music with png's from museScore to Scribus?

I had thought of using the other format for Scribus but at the time they did't export properly.

Well I look foreword to get a COMMENT from you.


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