Change the fixed high position of ornaments and articulation as the symbol of arch of the violin in xml

• Mar 11, 2015 - 13:23

It looks that when we add an articulation as the arch down or up of the violin, it takes a fixed high position when we save in xml. when we open the xml file this symbol could be over a note, making unreadable the note. can we change from the editor the fixed high position of this symbols, so it can be save in xml?



This if I write the score with Nighlty, exported as XML and open with 1.3?
With Nightly b230864 the XML file is ok.

With 1.3: right click> select all similar elements > hold down Ctrl and drag with the mouse.
With 2.0 beta x use the Inspector (vertical offset).

In reply to by Shoichi

Have a look, when you open xml, all the bows or arch are in the same fixed vertical position, and because that they take the same position of the note (G over stave) making difficult read the note.
could be any setpoints from musescore chanage for that, so after you save as xml and open it, the bow can be higher than this vertial fixed position?

Thank you very much Shoichi

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