Use a different font for the lyrics

• Mar 24, 2015 - 15:01


I am trying to use a recorder fingering font to use as a lyrics and each time I select the correct font with the correct size, it reverts to the standard font as soon as I hit the space bar. How can I keep the same font and size thoughout the lyrics/recorder fingering writing on Musescore 2.0 ?


In reply to by mychance

Seems there might be a confusion between two different things here.

When you create lyrics, they always get the Lyrics odd or Lyrics even styles as appropriate. So if you want to affect all lyrics, don't create a custom style - just edit the default style. Right click a lyric, Text Style, and make your changes there. All existing & future lyrics automatically get the change.

Custom stlyes are if you want cedrtain lyrics to be different from the rest. If you need to apply them to multiple syllables, easiest to enter them all normally firs,t then select the ones you want to change, then make the change using the drop down in the Inspector.

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