Moving rests

• Apr 9, 2010 - 11:16

I am using MuseScore with my fourth grade class and it works extremely well. One problem--when they change note duration, often eighth rests end up scattered around the measure. They want the rests out and the notes in the next measure moved into the measure with the rests. I can't even have them just type the notes into the rest-filled measure because the program thinks that the measure is already full. How do I handle this?



Musescore works by always having the proper amount of time signified, so if the notes written don't fill the bar, rests are added.

Going earlier in a bar to add notes will work if the notes are added at the proper duration: for example if you have a half rest and you want to replace it with a half note, all will be well. However if you replace it with a quarter note, a rest will appear.

Notes do not shift position by adding other notes previous, all that will happen is the replaced note/rest will conform to the rule of "always a full bar's value shown".

So, If you have a bar with 2 half notes, placing a quarter note on the first beat will result in a quarter note and a quarter rest. If you add a 1/2 note to the 2nd beat, it will produce a 1/2 note, but the 4th beat will become a rest, as the 3rd beat no longer contains the previously drawn 1/2 note.

I hope this is clear. I think the main point is that notes do not shift their position but must be placed in the proper place with the proper duration.


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