Traviata - Prelude (G.Verdi)

• Apr 22, 2010 - 19:05

I just made a score with MuseScore and got paid 150€ for it.

Its an arrangement of the prelude of La Traviata by Giuseppe Verdi.
Its meant to be played by kids (~10yo) using 4 keyboards split in 2 sections each, with each section assigned to the individual instruments of the score.
The score was transposed a bit to make the playing easier.
Also some parts were moved to other instruments, so the more skilled players get the most difficult parts.

Yes, the kids DO play that, although they initially don't know anything about music. I still wonder how they manage to learn that fast.

So, apart from the money, I get the satisfaction of knowing that I'm contributing to that little miracle. Actually I would have done the task for free, but the person who gave me the task insisted in paying me....
Also, I helped to fix a bug with multimeasure rests in the process, even contributing a little of code.

So in short, it was a really nice first experience with MuseScore. :)

Attachment Size
latraviata-preludio-mio6.mscx 611.63 KB


Thank you for sharing. I enjoying listening.

You should check the notes in the second half of measure 24. It should be a C7 chord but you have several F's in there.

In reply to by David Bolton

Wow, well spotted. Thank you very much.
I worked over a MIDI file made by others. I should have checked the score more carefully.

Btw, this is not the final version. Probably I'll need to make more changes requested by the person who paid me. I'll post also these versions if I find the time.

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