How can I change the font of "notename.qml".

• Apr 21, 2015 - 10:17

How can I change the font and font size in the plugin "notename.qml" ?
I tried to add
text.defauleFont = QFont("Helvetica",20);
But result was
ReferenceError: QFont is not defined.

Can I do the fine-tune the position using the xOffset and yOffset?
did not work.


It seems these are added as ordinary Staff Text elements, so instead of trying to modify the plugin to hard code a specific font, why not just change the text style in your score?

StaffText elements support certain html features. I don't have an exhaustive list, but they do know how to handle font size:

<font size="14"/>Text

Edit: Here's an example also changing the font:

<font size="14"/><font face="mikachan"/>Text

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