Transferring to Musescore from other software

• May 16, 2010 - 20:07

Hi folks, been doing sheet music (piano/vocal version) of new songs in our church for a number of years. I first used Notator on the Atari - brilliant, then life got too hectic so I stopped. More recently I've been using a program called Notation 2 that isn't being developed any more and had some annoying limitations but only cost £10 so there we are.
My current project involves doing melody/words/chords for lots of old songs that we're in danger of forgetting.

Things I can't get Musescore to do include - getting a constant spacing above the stave for all the chord names (the default is way too big but it isn't easy to pull them all down the same amount, I'm used to being able to select all the chords and put them the same distance above.
Also the lyrics run into each other; I can't find anything in the user manual to tell me how to space the whole project out.
And of course the last line wants to finish at the end of a line rather than half way along.
And bar deletion (Ctrl click) is v temperamental, saving the file seems to help reset something.

Things that are brilliant include - an anacrusis bar; simpler lyrics and chord name entry, and easy QWERTY note entry.

Any ideas how to help the old boy? (I've just had my 57th birthday)


First you should use the latest version (which is the release candidate for 0.9.6). Have also a look at
Chord name distance should be adjustable in Style->Edit Text Style.
Lyrics are automatically spaced and should not run into each other. Maybe you found a bug. More information is needed to reproduce what you experienced.
Experiment with Style->Edit general style -> Page -> Last system fill threshold to solve the last line problem.
I think lyrics entry is very easy and comfortable. What are you missing?
What is QWERTY note entry?

What let you think that 57 is old !?

stormproof1: Werner's recommendation changes the chordname vertical positions for the whole score so it is the best method for most situations. However I experimented with dragging selections of chordnames. I found that the following works:

  1. Shift+Drag to select the chordnames
  2. Hold Ctrl while you click and drag one of the chordnames

With regards to bar deletion, version 0.9.6 uses a more sensible method. For details about measure deletion in 0.9.6 see New features in MuseScore 0.9.6 , "Important information for people upgrading from older versions".

Thanks for very helpful feedback. and thanks for making the forum accessible via Windows Mobile as I'm not office based.
Lyrics was simply a temporary display problem, looked fine after a screen refresh.
Chord names all moved together as you said they would.

A useful alternative to entering note names (A,B,C etc) is to allocate the bottom row of keys (ZXCVBNM.) to the white notes and the row above to the black notes so you can "play" the QWERTY keyboard.
Would you like me to write a beginners guide covering the scenario I use ie melody words and chords?

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