Adding a time signature to a multi-measure rest

• May 21, 2010 - 17:56

Is it possible to add a time signature to a mutil-measure rest measure? I have a piece where the time signature changes over a long period of rests. I set multi-measure rest breaks at all the measures I wanted, and then set the style to include multi-measure rests. Where there was a time signature change, I lost the time signature and ended up with a single rest mesure and cannot really delete it or add the time signature back in. I would simply like to place the time signature inside a multi-measure rest.


further search the forums about multi-measures, I think I read that it has been solved inrecent revision.
If you stay to old one: put a full measure note in the mesasure with the new times signature, apply the multi-measures, and replace the note by a rest......

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