No text of any kind appears

• May 26, 2010 - 08:25

No text of any kind appears on my documents. I'm using version 0.9.5 on a Windows XP.

On a different computer, I could see the heading text for the demo document, and I was able to make visible lyrics to one of my own documents. On this computer, neither the heading text for the demo document nor the lyrics I made myself appear. I can click on the boxes where the heading and lyrics used to be, and it looks like the program is trying to enter Text Edit Mode, but the box does nothing if I try to type words in. It's a similar story for all the other Create->Text->Etc options.

I've uninstalled and reinstalled the program, and still no text is there. I've also done the "Revert to Factory Settings" that was recommended in a help article, but that didn't bring the text back either. I'm sure this is not a bug, or else all the world would be posting complaints on this forum, but does anyone know how I can fix my missing text problem?


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