Where are My_First_Score.mscz and Getting_Started.mscz stored?

• May 8, 2015 - 17:46

Searching through the Mac version, I can't figure out where these files are located. It's not with the templates, nor with the demos (and what are the demos in there for? How is the user supposed to find them?). Since they disappear from the Start Center as soon as there are recent files to display, it would be nice to know where they can be found.


I believe they are compiled in to the application itself, and can be accessed using the pseudo-filenames ":/data/My_First_Score.mscz" and ":/data/Getting_Started.mscz", at least on Linux.

In reply to by Isaac Weiss

I think the point here is that there is no actual file. It's something that is constructed by MuseScore itself, looks and acts like a file inside MuseScore, but has no independent existence. It is not stored on disk and is not known to the file system.

You could always use File/Save or File/Save As to make a copy of the file. The copy would be an actual file that can be manipulated outside of MuseScore.

In reply to by Marc Sabatella

Actually, File -> Open brings up a standard Mac-native thing, which allows browsing and searching but not the typing of file paths. But what ghicks said—does that even make sense? It seems especially odd that the perhaps-simulated file apparently has a file extension. And, as I said, the templates displayed in the Start Center do have a real location.

In reply to by Isaac Weiss

I'm on Windows, not MacOs, but I can tell you is that I have "My First Score.mscz" in my recent file list (and can successfully open it from that list), but a search of the entire disk does not turn up any file by that name. On the other hand, after I do a File/Save As, the file does appear in a disk search under the new name.

The pseudo-filenames Marc suggested don't work in the WIndows File Open dialog. They do work, however, in the "Start With Score" option of Edit/Preferences. I suspect the same thing would be true on the Mac.

In reply to by Isaac Weiss

Yes, the search comes up with two files by that name, one belonging to my 2.0.1 installation and one to a nightly build:

C:\Program Files (x86)\MuseScore 2\templates\01-General\01-Treble_Clef.mscz


In reply to by Jojo-Schmitz

Indeed these files are in the Qt resource file system, so inside the MuseScore binary (the binary /Applications/MuseScore\ 2.app/Contents/MacOS/mscore not the .app bundle). If you want to know more http://doc.qt.io/qt-5/resources.html

Regarding the templates, they are in the app bundle /Applications/MuseScore\ 2.app/Contents/Resources/templates/. In any case, I would strongly recommend to *NOT* change the content of the app bundle on your system. The bundle is signed and Mac OSX could report it as broken if you change the content. If you want to add templates, you can do it in the user directory.

In reply to by Isaac Weiss

As for the practical aspect - even if you can't type the name into a file dialog, it presumably works to use that name in Edit / Preferences as the startup score? Also, Getting_Started.mscz should reappear in Start Center if you clear the Recent Scores list (presumably via File / Recent Scores).

In reply to by Marc Sabatella

@lasconic, don't worry, I have no plans to modify anything in the application bundle—I just wanted to know what's inside.

@Marc Sabatella, yes, the pseudo-location works in MuseScore's Preferences (which can be found under the MuseScore menu on OS X, by the way), and yes, the original Start Center contents are restored by "Clear Recent Files."

So, case closed. Thank you very much for your answers, everybody.

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