Adding Drum Notes Causes Crash

• Jun 10, 2010 - 17:20

Version 0.9.6.
Windows Vista
Using native soundfont.

Adding drum notes to score.
staves in score. Voice, Piano, Strings, B. Drum, Snare Drum.
Example 1:
Click on measure to add drum notes - Snare drum. Add note. Move to different measure same line, crash. Verbage to follow.

Example 2:
Click on measure to add drum notes - Snare drum. Add note. Move to different drum same measure, crash. Verbage to follow.

Verbage on Error:
Assertion Failed!

Program: C:\Program Files\MuseScore\bin\mscore.exe
File: C:\MuseScore_0.9.6\mscore\mscore\note.cpp
Line: 1382

Expression: val >= 0 && < HEAD_GROUPS

For information on how your program can cause assertion
failure, see the Visual C++ documentation on asserts


I am using the mouse to enter the notes. I'm unable to get MIDI keyboard entry working with the new version. (See my other entry on the forum regarding that.) I am putting notes on the first and third beat of the measure in. I have found it does not matter what beat I am placing that note.

In reply to by David Bolton

Start Musescore
Start new Score named Drum Test
Create instruments – Piano, Snare, Low Tom. Place in order – Piano on top, Snare Second staff, Low Tom bottom Staff
Key of C major
Allow default 4/4 time and 12 measures, no pick up measures
Enter “Note entry Mode’ by pressing N on computer keyboard. Using mouse, Enter quarter Notes in Piano, first measure. Press N on computer Keyboard to exit Note Entry Mode. Click play button. Play back. Works fine.
Using mouse Select ‘Side Stick” from drum palette, enter note entry mode by Pressing N on Computer Keyboard. Enter notes on first and third beat of first, second and third measure. Exit Note entry mode by pressing N on computer keyboard. Click Play – play back is good.
Re-enter to Note Entry Mode by pressing N on Computer keyboard. Place note in Low Tom in first beat. Crash as above takes place.
Re-start Musescore – I am asked if I want to restore the last session. Select to do so, blank score is shown.

Example 2,
Create new score, select drum set – 3 lines and piano.
Enter “Note entry Mode’ by pressing N on computer keyboard. Enter notes on Piano, all quarter notes, using mouse entry method. Press N to leave Note Entry Mode.
Play score by click on on Play Button using mouse. Playback works.
Return to Note entry mode by pressing N on Computer keyboard.
Enter Tom3 notes on Drum Set. Exit by pressing N on Computer keyboard. Play score by clicking play using mouse. Playback works fine.
Create Instruments, add snare, add Low Tom
Press N to leave Note entry mode.
Playback score. Playback plays.
Press N to return to Note entry mode. Enter Side-Stick notes in first, second and third measure of snare drum using mouse. Leave Note entry mode by pressing N key on keyboard. Play by clicking with mouse on play key on screen. Plays fine.
Enter Side Stick Notes in Low Tom – Crashes as above
I hope this is enough to help
As I’ve written, I am unable to any entry via my MIDI keyboard, which I know the manual states is the best way to do drum entry.
I have 3 GB ram and 250 G HD running on Windows Vista.

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