File save question

• Jun 1, 2015 - 16:35

Hi everyone,

I have 30 scores in my MuseScore2/Scores folder. One is called, "Leaving On a Jet Plane.mscz". All of a sudden, the following score appeared in the same folder:

_Users_Lee Batchelor_Documents_MuseScore2_Scores_Leaving On a Jet Plane.mscz

I discovered this when I was looking at the XML file for one song and noticed the workTitle was wrong. I edited each song in MuseScore 2 by opening the File-->Info dialog box and deleting the information in that line. Have I done something to cause this phantom file to appear?

Also, I use Duplicate Cleaner to purge my file system of duplicate files. It found three duplicates in the Scores folder that don't even exist. The names all had periods before them. For example, "Follow Me.mscz" exists in the Score folder, however, Duplicate Cleaner found a file called ".Follow Me.mscz" and ".Follow Me - Copy.mscz". I may have made a copy of the song a while ago to try some different editing approaches. (I never work on an original file--just a duplicate, so I don't mess up the original.)

What's going on here? Thanks.

- Lee


In reply to by Jojo-Schmitz

That makes perfect sense, jojo.

Two days ago we lost power, so my computer didn't shut down correctly. I did not have MuseScore open at the time. I rebooted, and Windows 7 Pro asked if I wanted to start Windows normally. I did. When I opened MuseScore, it was very unresponsive. Some scores would not open at all when double-clicked from Windows Explorer. The Task Manager showed four sessions of MuseScore open at once--weird. I shut down and restarted my computer. After doing so, MuseScore purred like a kitten and was lightning fast. Those files are probably the result of the improper shutdown and restart of Windows. In other words, Mr. Gates again!

Sounds like I can safely delete the odd files because the 30 scores all seem intact. For now, I'll keep the odd files in the Recycle Bin until I'm sure.

Thanks for the help, jojo!

- Lee

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