Fretboard diagrams does not remain attached to staff at the correct location

• Jun 8, 2015 - 11:43

Please see attached file. It contains some instructions you can follow.

The upshot is that fretboard diagrams are created at one location and later on, when you try to click on and drag, the dotted line indicates that the diagram is now attached to a different score element altogether!

Attachment Size
fretboard_issue.mscz 16.12 KB


Confirmed. Can you file an official bug report (Help / Report a Bug from within MuseScore)? It is best to simply list the steps within the bug report itsaelf. Note the problem does not seem to occur with all scores - it sometimes works fine. So do attach the specific score you are having problems with.

BTW, as far as I can tell, the fretboard *does* remain attached to the proper note, as you can see if you press Ctrl+R after dragging it. So I think it is only the dotted line that is wrong.

This may be a separate issue, but I have found a case where a palette line anchored to the last bar on a staff line, moved left to display in the first bar on the same staff line (but the anchor remained in the last bar).

It happened after formatting the file using stretch, page margin and line spacing adjustments, so I have no idea what the specific reason was.

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