Musescore Freezes Computer Upon Opening - Windows 7

• Jun 9, 2015 - 18:36

I have been using Musescore 2 for about a month now, and starting yesterday it's stopped working. When I go to run it, it takes about thirty to forty seconds to load, and then my computer freezes up. I can't click on anything, nor are there any messages. Although my mouse still works, which I find really strange.

I have tried rebooting my computer (A Lenovo IdeaPad running Windows 7), with no luck. Eventually I tried looking through this thread for ways to fix this. I found that reverting to factory settings would fix the problem. I tried it, and it didn't work. Finally, I simply uninstalled it and then tried reinstalling it. It still didn't work.

Does anyone know what's going on? I can't seem to figure out what's happening. In case it may be relevant, I believe my trouble starting coming after a recent Windows update. Maybe it has something to do with that?


It could indeed. There are a handful of people havig problems, but there seem to be different problems involved. Also try starting with "-w", also try with "-s", also try starting MuseScore by double clicking a score in Windows Explorer rather than starting it directly. Do any of those work?

In reply to by Marc Sabatella

Adding "-W" and "-S" do not seem to run Musescore at all. I've checked Task Manager and Musescore isn't even running.

I tried clicking some of my arrangements, but I think they won't open because I uninstalled and then reinstalled Musescore, so it doesn't recognize it. I then just tried opening Musescore.exe from Windows Explorer, and it crashed immediately. This is strange because usually it takes around thirty seconds or so before it freezes.

I am using Windows 7 HP and MuseScore 2.0.1 commonly takes 30 seconds, at least to load. I timed Finale 2009, for comparison, and it takes only 5 seconds to reach the welcome screen.

After double-clicking the MuseScore shortcut, for ten seconds the "busy" animation is visible, then for 10 seconds there is nothing, then a splash screen, then a short gap then the program opens after about 30-40 secs. While this is going on other operations are not possible.

In reply to by geetar

Do you still see the delay if you run with "-w"? I wonder if somehow the web view used in the start center is hanging up on some systems. For the record, on my extremely low powered system (a Chromebook with what is essentially a smartphone processor, running Ubuntu in a virtual machine), startup is on the order or 3-4 seconds. Splash screen appears with 1 second. And that's with a debug version of MsueScore, which should be especially slow.

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