Adding stave at front

• Jun 18, 2015 - 14:58

I have some music and I want to add more before the current set of staves. How do I add several separate staves before it all. I have added one stave with 4 empty measures (forgot how I did this!) but only seem to be able to add measures to the empty one. Thanks.


Thanks, I shall have to read the handbook again. I see that the second response is what I needed but I was trying to create a 4 measure bar(?) at the front as I am copying a paper score.

is there a way of scanning a score into MuseScore and then edit the score that way?

In reply to by happyhacker

You can scan to a PDF using your favorite scnner software, then try to import that via the "File / Import PDF" facility provided by using Audiveris, but realize this sort of technology is quite experimental and chances are it either won't work at all, or you'll spend as long cleaning up the results as entering the music by hand.

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