Palette lines spanning systems overlap page margins

• Jun 23, 2015 - 14:52

See attached images:

A palette line spanning systems (linked staff+Tab), erroneously overlaps the right-hand page margin (see image 1). And the continuation line in the TAB staff appears greyed out even though "show invisible" has been unticked (see image 2).

Attachment Size
spanning_lines_2.PNG 5.3 KB
spanning_lines_1.PNG 7.3 KB


The line extending into the margin would be perfectly normal if you extended the line manually. Can you attach the score so we verify whether or not this is the case?

I tried deleting the old line and re-appplying, dragging and attaching it to the same position in the last bar. Then used shift + arrow to move the hook to the next note in the next bar. So far so good.

However the text still overlapped the previous notes and I had to move the line to the right using "horizontal offset". This is what caused the line to overlap the margin (I didn't notice it at the time because I was working in "continuous view"). The solution was to double click the line, in page view, and use ctrl + left arrow to move the end handle.

See attached file. I have isolated the part of the score where the problem occurred and precise instructions for recreating it. Instructions are in file but to reiterate:

(1) Use Advanced palette. Apply line marked VII to red chord.
(2) Extend line to second red chord. It will span two systems. So far, so good.
(3) Now change format of text a little as instructed.
(4) Use horizontal offset to compensate for the symbol overlap.

The line will now extend out into the margin. You could off course try repeating the operations in a different order to see what effect that has.

Attachment Size
line_overlaps_margin.mscz 21.27 KB

In reply to by geetar

Maybe I'm missing something, but if step 4 means, use the Inspector or drag the symbol to the right, isn't this exactly what you asked for? If you only want to move the start point for the line, then only move the move the start point - double click the line, move the left handle. If you move the whole line, then of course the whole line moves, thus extending into the margin.

In reply to by Marc Sabatella

There are two ways to change offset of the line (afaik):

(1) Single-click on the line and use the inspector. This moves the whole line and causes it to overlap the margin.

(2) Double-click the line, click on the left handle and use the right arrow. This only moves the start point of the line

If I remember correctly both of these methods change the horizontal offset in the same way but step (1) causes a problem with the margin; step (2) doesn't.

Is this something that should be fixed?

In reply to by geetar

No, these two methods don't do the same thing at all. 1) moves the whole line, 2) moves only the start point. Two totally different actions provided to solve two totally different problems.

So I don't understand the problem you are seeing with the margin. If you use method 1) to move the whole line to the right, *of course* it extends into the margin. You explictly asked to move it there, so MuseScore is just doing what you asked. Same as any other element that is already at/near the margin - if you move it to the right, it moves into the margin. How is this anything but the correct behavior?

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