adjusting timing of score which came from midi import

• Jul 5, 2015 - 12:54

i'm working with a score which was originally imported from midi.
The timing is somewhat wrong. The score is in 4/4 time, but occasionally (apparently) there need to be a few measures which are 5/4, because after that measure the could should need to be count #1 captured as count #2.

What is the correct way to fix this in musescore? I've tried to change the culprit measure to 5/4 and the measure after it back to 4/4 but that creates a bunch of superfluous notes, as shown on the bass line of the attached file
Screen Shot 2015-07-05 at 13.51.27.png .

Of course I can go back and edit the notes one by one, changing tied quarter notes to half notes, and tied quater-half-quarter sequences to whole notes.

Is there an easier way?

Attachment Size
Screen Shot 2015-07-05 at 13.51.27.png 30.3 KB


I also notice, that if I try to edit these notes by hand, when I change a note which is tied across measures, it breaks the ties. E.g., If a dotted half is tied to a quarter note in one measure, and that is tied to another quarter note in the next measure, and if I select the dotted half note, and press the hole note, icon, the dotted half-quarter combination is changed to a whole note, but the tie is broken to the next measure.

Screen Shot 2015-07-05 at 13.59.11.png

is changed to this

Screen Shot 2015-07-05 at 14.00.12.png

Hard to say without seeing the score itself - if everything is shifted by one beat, it seems there would *already* been bunch of tied-over notes that should have been whole notes.

In the curreent released version 2.0.1, the way to do a temporary time signature change without causing more rewrites is to add the original time signature change back *first*. That is, if you are in 4.4 time but want change measures 10-20 to be 5/4, start by adding another 4/4 to measure 21. This will protect measures 21 to the end from further rewrites. Then you can add the 5/4 to measure 4/4.

As of yesterday, however, the nightly builds have a new feature that will come in handy here. Simply select measures 10-20 and double click the 5/4. This will automatically add the 5/4 at the beginning and restore the 4/4 at the end in a single operation - and do it without requiring drag & drop. Same thing, BTW, for key signature and clef changes: select a range, double click the appropriate palette icon, and the change is inserted at the beginning of the range and the original key signature or clef is restore at the end.

This change will be in 2.0.2.

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