
• Jul 6, 2015 - 20:08

I would like to see a command for setting accent marks to land always above the staff.


Two aspects to this. One is whether whether accents are in the standard positions (head side of the note) or whether for some special reason you want them literally always above. The other is whether accent marks above notes are allowed to land *within* the staff as is standard or whether for some special reason you want them moved outside the staff lines.

You can force accents to always be above the chords by setting them to "Above chord" in Style / General / Articulations. However, if you want them always outisde the staff lines as well, you'd instead need to set them to "Above staff". You might also need to play with the vertical offset settings, such as by selecting all accents (eg, Select / More / Same subtype) and using the Inspector.

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