Request a Way to Change Playback Intonation Systems

• Jul 15, 2015 - 01:26

As someone who enjoys Early Music, the different tuning systems found there, and composing using those systems, it would be really nice if there was a way to change the playback options to use Pythagorean Tuning, 5 Limit Just Intonation, 1/4 Comma Meantone, etc. While I know the scales plugin works for MuseScore 1.3, it does not work in 2.0.1. I tried checking over on the plugins page and found nothing there that was what I was looking for and that was supported by 2.0.1.


Probably the best way to get this would be to set up Jack and use MIDI output, then play through a synthesizer (software or hardware) that offers such options.

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