Rare behaviour

• Jul 17, 2015 - 21:17

Hi, gang!!!

I want to know if it is my PC issue or is a generic issue, or something "hidden" or "cryptic" inside the score itself.

In the attached file, between measures 19 and 20, we can hear some kind of silent (a pause) which I didn't put there (and it isn't my intention, at all).

Is it just on my PC? ???

What it is? How can I work around it? ???




Can't hear it on my system (xubuntu 15.04, MS 2.1.0 build 79a8fc8) so either a bug that has been fixed or something on your system.

I don't hear anything anything, nor do I see anything obvious in the score (even looking at the internals) that cause it. Could be your computer just getting a little overburdened. Do you mean just a small fraction of a second, or a really big, several-second-long pause?

In reply to by Marc Sabatella

Such a thing!!!

It is something like a jump (less than a second). Sound stops by a little moment. It is like there is a rest, but there isn't a rest!!!

Maybe it is my PC only. I'l try (if I can) in my other PC (next week).

Anyway, thanks a lot for your time!!!

BTW: I'm thinking to use MuseScore 2.0.1 in a laptop (not mine), with Windows 7, to the next weekend, but I'm not sure if I could to use it "live" in the church (as instrumental track to singers). Does somebody have tested it? Without any "last time" problems? ???



In reply to by jotape1960

Definitively, it's something between MuseScore and my PC, only.

I exported the music piece, from MuseScore, directly to a wav format audio file. Then I play it with Audacity and there isn't any audio "jump". The audio file sounds very good!!!

Just a question: Could it be something with the limited amount of RAM memory I have (1.5 Gb)? ???



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