[trunk] New dependency in rev. 3435?

• Sep 2, 2010 - 09:55


Trying to compile latest SVN trunk rev. under Ubuntu 10.04, with Qt SDK 10.02 (Qt Creator 1.3.1, Qt lib 4.6.2), I found a new (sub-?)project, omr, which does not compile with the following errors:

mscore/mscore/omr/pdf.cpp:22:20: error: PDFDoc.h: No such file or directory
mscore/mscore/omr/pdf.cpp:23:23: error: OutputDev.h: No such file or directory
mscore/mscore/omr/pdf.cpp:24:26: error: GlobalParams.h: No such file or directory
mscore/mscore/omr/pdf.cpp:25:22: error: GfxState.h: No such file or directory

Is it a new dependency?

(As a side note: implementing OMR in musescore is surely a notable endeavour, but I'm asking if it is a priority: according to my experience, the top notch OMR products (the expensive ones!) give barely acceptable to decent results only, the other are simply not worth the effort.)

In general, is there any compilation switch (configure?) to turn off compilation of unwanted or unnecessary (sub-)packages or features (aeolus, vorbis, ...)?




In the top CMakeLists.txt file you can find a OMR switch, just put it to FALSE. See this diff
Omr is an experimentation of werner in the trunk. As far as I know the current goal is NOT to have an OMR in MuseScore but to have something to help the transcription of existing scores. So just the barlines & staves, and a way to display the pdf on one side and an empty score on the other side.



(I see the point in this attempt [THANKS Werner! We never thank you enough!]. I do this regularly by opening two apps and adjusting the windows; however, not all the sources are PDF's: several are .DJVU or simply collections of .JPG...)


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