Tie without having to exit Note Input

• Jul 20, 2015 - 00:18

Hello! Today, I have been working on a piece, but I find it hard to place ties. I mean, I know the command is shift and + but in order to do it I must exit note input mode. This is a pain when entering notes on keyboard. See, shift and + do nothing when in note input mode. So it's not like it would interfere with anything. I think this idea could help others. Please take this into consideration. Thank you.


I dpn't understand. Ties are placed directly within note input by pressing "+" after entering the first note of the tie. If your particular keybaord layout requires Shift to access "+", then you will need to press Shift. Note by default it probably has to be the regular "+", not a separate numeric keypad version of "+", which I believe sends a different code on most keyboards. If for some reason MuseScore is having trouble understanding the "+" key in your particular keybaord layout, you can always customize that shortcut in Edit / Preferences / Shortcuts. Or simply use the toolbar icon.

But in any case, exiting note input mode is *not* necessary to enter a tie, except when tying whole chords.

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