Musescore Help

• Jul 24, 2015 - 13:56

I appreciate the help I got with a question on courtesy key signatures. My familiarity with Musescore increases every day. However, I take exception to the tone of the response I received. I didn't ask to be lectured about the technical aspect of my issue. I would have appreciated a more teacher to student approach rather than the headmaster to imbecile attitude. My son just completed his Masters Degree in Music Education and will be my source of issue resolution in the future. At least he allows me the respect I deserve as a player and novas writer.


Maybe if you had used the support forum rather than the Issue tracker the response may have been kinder.

It was IMO a little too terse however.

Unless your son is also an adept at using MuseScore 2, then I suggest you will be losing out on technical support by not posting future questions here.

I apologize if my response came off as lecturing. I was simply trying to be helpful and informative, giving you the best information I could regarding the terminology, how MuseScore works, and how the support system works.

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