empty folders in Home? (Linux)

• Jul 28, 2015 - 14:31

Musescore 2.0.0 in LinuxMint 17.2
I have 2 questions regarding folders:

- in /usr/share I have a folder "mscore-2.0" and also one called "mscore" with exactly the same content; should I delete the latter?

- in my home folder there's "MuseScore2" which contains Styles, Templates plus all my .mscz-files and also some empty folders --> Images, Plugins, Scores, Soundfonts.
Is it normal that these are empty?


Are you really sure that /usr/share/mscore-2.0 and /usr/share/mscore are different folders and not (symbolic) links to one another? And/or that their content is exactly the same (not just files with the same names)?
Those empty folder in your home are indeed intended to be empty and to be filled by you, while at the same time be save from getting overwritten by an update

In reply to by Jojo-Schmitz

For the mscore-folder in Properties I see indeed "Link to folder", so I guess it's ok to delete that; why on earth would I want a link to a folder that sits right next to it? :-)
Thanks for the reply (Marc as well)
I'll check the Handbook further on how to fill the empty folders with sensible stuff (plugins and perhaps soundfonts?)

Also to allow you to save and easily access your own stylers, templates, etc without needing administrator privileges as was the case for 1.3. Speaking of which, perhaps the "mscore" folder is left over from 1.3, or from an earlier install of an experimental prerelease build of 2.0? As far as I know, there would be no need both of these folders in 2.0, but maybe the Mint package sets it up as a symbolic link as Jojo suggested.

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