Lasconic Recorder Fingering Issue

• Aug 6, 2015 - 21:53

Hi, gang!!!

I wonder if somebody knows how could I change the internal location of the characters into the Lasconic Recorder Fingering TrueType Font.

I mean, I guess because of the "new" UTF-8 Unicode way to work of the "modern" PCs, there is an issue with this truetype font, when we want to use it as a common lyrics (to show the fingering of each note in the score).

It is supposed that the equivalence between the keyboard characters (lower-case) and the staff notes should be:

z = Do
x = Re
c = Mi
v = Fa
b = Sol
n = La
m = Si
a = Do'
s = Re'
d = Mi'
f = Fa'
h = Sol'
j = La'
k = Si'
q = Do''
w = Re''

The sharps/flats should be getting using the capital (upper-case) letters.

BUT, because some weird issue, with MuseScore 2.0.0 (and I guess it is the same with 2.0.1 and 2.0.2) there is an issue about some notes. The Si note (m character) is shown with an ugly vertical oriented blank rectangle and the Do' (a character) isn't shown. Also, there isn't any sharp/flat to the upper (higher) range scale.

This issue wasn't into 1.3 version.

Well, if somebody knows how to fix it, Please, Let me know!!!

Greetings & Blessings!!!!!!!


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