
• Sep 27, 2010 - 18:16

Could someone help me to include ties.
I have followed the instructions in the manual(p.30), but with no effect.
Thks v. much


In reply to by [DELETED] 5

Thks for reply. However, I have tried this already, as described in the Handbook p. 30,& it definitely doesn't work for me.
By the way - am I missing something here? My understanding of a tied note is not just one that is linked with a 'slur' to a previous note of the same pitch, but it is also not sounded, i.e. the first note is extende in sound by the length of the second. This is not mentioned i the manual - maybe because it's obviousAny further help appreciated.

In reply to by David Bolton

Thks for the recent useful comments. You have solved my problem. As I am new to this program, I did n't realise that the '+' in the Handbook is not the normal keyboard plus, but the special character at the top of the screen. Still on the learning curve- thks again.

In reply to by Terry71

The keyboard should work as well as the button at the top of the screen. Press the plus sign on the number pad or Shift+Equals on the main keyboard to get the plus sign on a UK keyboard.

What version of MuseScore are you using? Have you customized any of the keyboard shortcuts ?

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