Deleting lyrics deletes space between staves

• Aug 18, 2015 - 00:06

I didn't find this reported with a quick search, but maybe it has been. As the attached sample shows. the top two staves of this choral score are squished together. This happened after copying in another part of the score and then deleting the lyrics of the copied measures. Now there seems to be no way to reverse it: if I click on a rest in one of those staves, and then click c-L, I'm told I can't enter lyrics because no note or rest is highlighted, even though one is. Is there any way to get my space for lyrics back?

Attachment Size
lyricsexample.mscz 14 KB


Your basic problem is you have set the "Extra distance above staff" to -5.5sp for the alto staff, meaning it will indeed have essentially no room between it and the soprano unless there are lyrics to create that sopace. So the easier fix is just to set that back to the default of 0. You have inadvertently set that by Shift+dragging the alto staff up.

Also, you can only enter lyrics on notes, not on rests.

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