MusicXml - Tuplets and number/bracket position

• Aug 31, 2015 - 08:48

MuseScore permits the manual positioning of tuplet indications.
I can enter a tuplet and then decide if I want the number and bracket (when appropriate) to be positioned above or below the stave - this is great.

When exported to MusicXML, two nodes are necessary :
- <time-modification> to specify the number used
- <tuplet ... > to indicate start and end notes and give other display information.

At present, MuseScore does not output the placement of the tuplet indicator.
This is what I mean -

<tuplet number="1" placement="above" type="start" bracket="no" />

It is the placement attribute which is missing.

I understand that in the vast majority of cases, the position would not be changed from the normal position and so it could be induced.
However, when we want to place the position differently (for what ever reason), it is necessary to have the placement value - otherwise manual edits are lost.

Could this be included ?


In reply to by Simon Giddings

Feature request is forum is indeed the better place to ask for feedback or discussion on an idea for a new feature. But lack of response here or there generally means no one else is particualrly interested in the feature 0- not that it is in the wrong place, or that it isn't a good idea.

But to formally request a feature after any discussion has wound down on the forum, you should use the Issue Tracker.

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