deleting extra measures (in quantity)

• Sep 7, 2015 - 02:39

In the prosess of converting from human voices to instruments, I did not specify the number of measures I would need, and got very many. I know how to delete one at a time, but want to eliminate all the extra measures at one time. it would take a long time to do it one at a time.


To delete to the end...

Click on first measure to delete. [Ctrl][Shift][End], release the [End] and [Shift] keys )but keep [Ctrl] pressed down) and press [Del]. I routinely open a blank score for piano with 100 bars and often end up deleting empty measures this way.

In reply to by Xasman

Ctrl+Shift+End is not specific to delete, it's a basic "select to end of document" shortcut for almost any operation in almsot any program. If it isn't not mentioned somewhere more generic, like in place where it is discussed how to select measure, that is really where it should be mentioned.

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