Basic question about midi integration

• Nov 14, 2010 - 00:25

I have a question ... When using a MIDI keyboard to input notes, does MuseScore automatically recognize if you play a chord? (Do all three notes appear)? I noticed from the online training that if you are playing fast, it doesn't recognize that it's an eighth note, sixteenth note, etc. Is that correct? Is that similar to paid programs? Thank you for any help you can give!


MuseScore recognizes if you play a chord. Three or more notes should appear.
MuseScore only provide step by step MIDI input so you have to provide the duration of the note with your computer keyboard before entering the pitches with your MIDI keyboard. Some commercial software claims to support real time midi input, so far I didn't read any good review about these entry mode. It does a lot of errors and you have to edit the score after inputing the notes. By using step input, you should be able to do it right the first time.

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