complex score made with default settings?

• Nov 17, 2010 - 16:58

Hi all,

I'm new here. My name is Jan.
Musescore interested me and i'd like to learn more about its abilities.
I have taken a look at the forum section "Made with Musescore", but so many scores are posted there...
Can you point me to a fairly complex score, preferably made with default Musescore settings? (without manual touch-ups)

Thanks in advance,


In reply to by [DELETED] 5

By "complex" i meant something between "flight of the bumblebee" mentioned by you and this:

3rd Movement of Beethoven's 9th symphony provides some insight for me (not because of the number of notes, but because of some difficult places). However, what interests me the most is how heavily it was tweaked by human - i'd like to know how often i'd have to manually tell Musescore how to format something.

best regards,

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