Instruction for Using Unicode
What is the instruction for using Unicode in lyrics/text? As the repeat measure (%) does not play back and is treated as silence/rest during playback, as a workaround, I want to copy and paste repeated measure notes and hide the notes and add the repeat measure musical symbol (%) as text/lyrics over the hidden notes in the measure. How can I use the Unicode 1D10E which is the musical symbol for repeat measure?
MuseScore uses Unicode for all lyrics and text. If you are using a particular Unicode symbol it wont work unless you use a font that contains that symbol.
In reply to MuseScore uses Unicode for by David Bolton
How do you enter a Unicode fo a symobl. What is the format/instruction. An example would be very helpful.
In reply to How To Enter Unicode by xandy
The easiest way is to copy and paste it from another Unicode source (such as the web). Other methods are possible depending on your operating system. See //