Selection Filter - A button for checking/unchecking notes

• Oct 5, 2015 - 18:52

Currently Musescores allows one to select items by using Selection Filter. I would like to have an option for checking or unchecking only the notes. I know that is possible select layers but sometimes it is desirable copy several items except the notes. I think that Having a button for selecting or deselecting the notes would be great as also would buttons for selecting ALL and NONE.


What items are you interested in copying? For element types where it makes sense, it is already possible to copy/paste them without the notes, directly without use of the filter. But there is a lot of special type-specific handling required to try to match elements to notes in the destination. I'm not sure it is generally possible for things to work as you might be imagining. An example of what you are trying to do would help.

I've already known that what you told me is possible but it have to be done one by one. Sometimes I want copy everything (dynamics, hairpins, staff texts) but not the notes. For instance, if the music is written in layer one and I uncheck it, every item is unchecked. a button for deselecting only the notes coul make copying inform to other staves simpler and faster.

In reply to by mtuliosax

It doesn't have to be done one by one. You select all elements of a given type within a range and copy them all togerther, if this an element type for which that operation makes sense. The feature is really meant for copying note-attached symbols like articulations or lyrics to a different set of notes that share similar rhythms. Otherwise, it is impossible to know where you really want them attached.

But dynamics are different indeed, and it could in theory make sense to copy them without notes, and simply apply them to the same *time* position. Meanwhile, the easy way to accomplish this is to copy the whole passage first, then delete just the notes (by disabling the dynmamics in the filter).

The problem, again, is that excluding notes would make certain things impossible - it really only sense for a select few element types, like dynamics. So I think probably a different technique would be needed. Probably, making copy / paste of dynamics work similarly to how it works for chord symbols - select all chord symbols in a range, copy, click destination, paste.

In reply to by Marc Sabatella

That's good but I would still have to repeat the operation for each type of item and to copy (or add to selection). I could also select the notes and subtract its type from the selection (detail: the stems remains selected). Besides that the target measures should be empty (the source notes override any music in the same voice). Another point: It's not possible to copy hairpins using ctrl+C and ctrl+V, only by shift+ctrl and dragging.
In short, is too complicated and laborious.
I comprehend that most items are note-attached and how complicated would be the code for calculating the exact point a item should be located if it is no note in that time position. What I suggest is only a idea to become easier the task of copying items from an instrument to another. Something to think in the future.

I am an experienced user of musical edition software (Finale) and I am totally a fan of your work (extend to all Musescore Team). I teach saxophone at Federal University of State of Rio de Janeiro and my research project is aimed on the edition of compositions and arrangements by Victor Assis Brasil (brazilian saxophonist) for Big Band. I have choosen Musescore for that task because I believe in the power of the open and free software. I believe it is more in line with the spirit of the university and the sharing of knowledge.

Nowadays I can make on Musescore almost everything I used to do on Finale. I believe that before long musescore will have nothing to lose to Finale or any other music editing software. I think it is already fantastic. When I read the roadmap to 2.1 i've got excited with the possibilities in a near future.

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