Note and font size

• Oct 19, 2015 - 20:39

Just looking for a little help. I have a student with very poor eyesight and I am looking to increase the note, staff and finger-number sizes. Can anyone help me with this? It would make it far easier for him to read his music. He has roughly 30% sight in both eyes. Thanks in advance.


What you are trying to achieve is known as Modified Stave Notation. The MuseScore team has created an excellent tutorial which covers exactly how to do this:

Pay particular attention to the section on creating a "style file". Clearly a lot of work goes into adjusting sizes and layouts, but you only have to do this once and save it in a style file and then you can apply that style to any future score at the click of a button. (You may still have a bit of tidying up to do afterwards.)

Perhaps if someone has already created a MSN style file they would be kind enough to upload it here :)

In reply to by shoogle

While it would certainly be possible to ship a sample style file for MSN, one of the points made in the guidelines from RNIB is that there really is no one-size-fits-all solution. The optimum settings will depend on the specifics of the music as well as the nature of the visual impairment of the person for whom the music is being prepared. Again, that doesn't mean it isn't worth providing a sample file to use as a starting point for one to use in creating one's own versions for different types of music, but it would be misleading, I think, to imply we are providing on out-of-the-box solution.

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