Musescore and MIDI
I am a Professor teaching Composition, Music and Technology at UFRN (a Brazilian Federal University). There we use Musescore since 2010, in classes and other activities.
Right now I am at UCSD as a visiting scholar under postdoc. I started learning C++ in order to advance a research project which objective is to design open source applications to assist music composition (based on the Schillinger System).
Pd-Syncker, written in Pure Data, handles MIDI. J-Syncker, written in Java, uses JFugue -- through it, midi files can be generated. (The default program to open this files is, indeed, Musescore). Both apps are available online.
So a "C-Syncker", written in C++, would use what to MIDI? (So to speak, CFugue is in its infancy.)
Does Musescore uses an API to handle MIDI? How do you guys resolved this issue (once Musescore is written in C++)?
Thanks in advance.
All the best,
Ale Reche
I'm not sure I understand the question exactly, but MuseScore does export standard MIDI files. The source code to MuseScore is in, and I believe most of the code dealing with writing MIDI files is in mscore/exportmidi.cpp and midi/midifile.cpp.