Nightly 3785: crash on "new score from template"

• Jan 7, 2011 - 02:47

Start MuseScore, press Ctrl-N to create new score, select Create new score from template, hit Next -> crash.


In reply to by chen lung

Its seems to be a Qt problem already fixed in the version i am using to compile MuseScore. So i could not reproduce the bug. Replacing the deprecated QDirModel class with QFileSystemModel seems to fix the crash also for the normal Qt library.
Please check again MuseScore revision 4200.

In reply to by [DELETED] 3

I'll try it out when a build becomes available on Windows. For me, it didn't even have the opportunity to select a template. It crashed immediately on hitting "Next" in the first dialog of the new score wizard - before I got to the screen where it allowed me to select a template.

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