Adding a part to already existing score

• Nov 1, 2015 - 23:51

Hi, All,
I recently tried to add another part to an existing score. This worked well, and I added it to the score routinely. The problem occurs when I try to extract the new part and have it appear with the already-existing parts. I need to do this to print it with the others. I have tried everything I know and have had no luck. I clicked "parts", I added a "new" part, named it, applied it--nothing. The only way I was able to do this was to click "new all"; it then worked fine, but I need to delete all the old parts except the newly created one. There must be some better, more efficient way! Thanks again for your consideration.
2.0.2 Musescore, IE operating system.


I think you missed the panel on the right where you have to choose which instruments go in the part. If you don't check any boxes, you get nothing.

By the way, what is "IE operating system"?

The "New" button should work if you check which staves you want to include in the part - you didn't mention actually selecting any?

If that does not help, please attach the specific score you are having problems with (using the "File attachments" link right below where you type your post) and precise step by step instructions to reproduce the problem you are seeing.

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