Isolating Instruments/Voices/Parts without using the "Parts..." Dialogue

• Nov 9, 2015 - 13:59

Hey all, new to this software, got it to hear the alto part of a complex piece of music. Worked perfectly the first time I opened it; There was a pane at the bottom of the program with a list of every instrument that had a staff dedicated to it, about half were named and half unnamed, and each one had a checkbox beside it. It was perfect. The next time I opened the program, that pane was gone, and I've been through every menu, forum post, and handbook page looking for it. I mean obviously not every, but I feel like I've scoured. It seems like pretty basic functionality for software of this type; where did that pane go?? The "Parts" function seems like a way to.. group multiple instruments together? No I don't know, but the window it brings up isn't the one I'm looking for. Sorry for asking a dumb question in the bug reports section



Welcome aboard! Sounds like the MIDI import panel, which does indeed appear only when opening a MIDI file and not when opening a score. Depending on what exactly you're looking to do, though, there are other ways. For example, to delete or rearrange instruments, look under the File menu to open the Instruments dialog; to change the sound of instruments, look under the View menu for the Mixer.

If the goal is to isolate the alto part for playback, then the Mixer is what you want - just check Solo. Or, if your goal is to *view* just the alto part - perhaps in preparation for printing it - then you do indeed want File / Parts. Click "New All" to automatically generate parts for each staff, then they will be displayed as separate tabs.

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