Non-traditional key signatures

• Jan 14, 2011 - 05:48


I am trying to notate a score where:

- tonic is D
- B and E are flattened
- F and C are sharped

I created this key signature and dragged it into the score, no problem. But when I enter a "C" with a mouse, it is entered
as a C natural rather than a C sharp. Same for F. Same for the flat notes as well -- they are entered as naturals rather than
what the key signature indicates.

Then, when I sharpen C, for example, it shows up as an accidental, with the sharp in front of it, which it should not.

Does this make sense? I would like to be able to write in non-traditional scales.


p.s. attaching a screenshot

Attachment Size
musescore-screenshot.JPG 117.89 KB


MuseScore does not support playback of custom key signature yet. If you don't need playback you can still create the scales by ignoring the sound. If you need the playback, you might want to set the accidentals invisible with right click -> set invisible.

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