"Subsystem" text?

• Nov 29, 2015 - 06:00

Is there a way to get something between system text and staff text? For example, if I have an orchestra score and I want to enter text that will appear on only the individual woodwind parts, can I either (1) define a "subsystem" consisting of the staves where I want the text to appear on the parts, or (2) use a multiple selection in adding staff text, with the text appearing on each selected-staff part but only once in the score (like system text)? Either way, I would position the text vertically to wherever I want it to appear in the printed score. Is this possible?


No way to do that automatically, although I have also occasionally wished for something like that. Meanwhile, you can add it to each staff you want it to appear on for the parts, but hide it (click, press "V") on the staves where you don't want it to appear in the score.

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