Saving file in uncompressed .mscx format

• Feb 5, 2011 - 15:21

When I do File->SaveAs or File-> Save a copy and select the .mscx file format, the file that is created is still a compressed .mscz file rather than what I specified (the uncompressed file).

When I try to save the file in .png format it gives me a compressed .mscz file, but only an uncompressed file (.mscx) converted to .png can be read by the Microsoft Office picture editor.

What can I do to get Musescore to save a file in .mscx format and not use the compression? Right now even when I choose the uncompressed .mscx option it still does the opposite and gives me the compressed file.

Thank you for any suggestions.


Please include the version of MuseScore you are using (Help > About), and operating system.

You can save directly to PNG from any open file in MuseScore (in your second paragraph it sounds like the only reason you are trying to save to .mscx file is because you want a PNG file?)

When you save as PNG (or any other format) make sure you remove the old file extension from the file name in the Save Dialog. Apparently there are some problems with Qt with file extensions and Save dialogs on Windows XP and some versions of Linux.

In reply to by David Bolton

Even though I am not getting the .x extension, I am getting the correct file content. When I do View Details for the folder, I am getting 3 file types, MuseScore, Compressed MuseScore and .png. In order to get the Microsoft picture manager to read the file and convert it to jpg, when I first create the MuseScore file I have to save it uncompressed. Then I have to save it .png. If I get a compressed Musescore format I can't read it with the other editors. I don't know why, but as long as using uncompressed works, that's fine with me. I have tested it a lot this afternoon and now I am not worried about whether it is placing an x extension at the end.

Version - I am using the version that was available for download for Windows as of a few days ago - not the new 1.0 that the developers are testing.
Operating system - Windows XP.

In reply to by Marc Sabatella

The problem I have in reporting this is that the file saving problem does not seem to repeatable or consistent. Last night I found that a mscx file was created. But it is creating the files even the extensions aren;t always right. I am beginning to think that the problem may refer to my OS or how I have something set up in Windows rather than a problem of Musescore. As long as I can get my work done I am not going to get involved in arcane details of system administration, as life is too short.

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