How do I add notes to a measure without changing the time signature?

• Dec 20, 2015 - 08:33

Hello, I am arranging a piece and realized I messed up with the counting. I was wondering if I could move the notes in the first violin part at measure 8 to the next measure without changing the time signature.

I really just want to be able to insert rests and have the rest (no pun intended) of the notes just slide over to the right if that makes any sense...?

Thank you in advance!

Attachment Size
Riptide_Violin.mscz 24.57 KB


Click on the note at the start of your selection. [Shift]-click on the note at the end of your selection. Cut then Paste to a new start point. Ensure that there is sufficient space for the notes to be "moved" (insert a blank measure if necessary).

Alternatively (and maybe a bit safer), create a new Violin stave, copy from the original to this new one then delete the original once all is sorted. You may also need to do this to get over problems such as "Tuplet cannot cross barlines".

You might *think* that just inserting notes and having the following notes slide to the right would make sense, but in practice, there would never be a way for MuseScore to know how big a mistake you made. That is, do you just need the next note moved over? The next 42 notes? All notes to the end of the measure? All notes to the next double bar? All notes to the end of the score? Whatever MuseScore guessed, it will be wrong more often than not. So it's much more effective for yuou to be in control and mvoe the notes yourself - and it's quite easy via cut and paste.

BTW, your score appears to be corrupt in some way - not enough notes in the top staff in measures 21-22. You will want to delete those measures and re-enter them.

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